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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 06 Apr 2004
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It's about time to just talk about video games isnt it? Any console you want. I like pc because you can always upgrade for cheaper than buying a new console.

So Let me Start with my long list of games, which i got for free... all of them, and if anyone would like a copy of the game, messege me and ill burn you a copy.

PC Games

The Simpsons Hit and Run-

Very easy to play, simple keys and lots of freedom. Its the Simpsons version of games like grand theif auto other than the car stealing. You run missions for people you encounter, and sometimes you have a time limit. I like this game, because it gives lots of moving around freedom and its simple. Good graphics too, depending on your video card. Kids wont put this game down too quickly. 7/10

Runaway- A Road Adventure

This is a thinking game and damn is it hard. You point and click on objects and the character goes and picks up whatever you click. Its very easy to miss something and you get stuck a lot. Also it isnt very exciting unless you just like to sit and think. I personally dont like it but maybe you will. 5/10

Spider-Man- This is also a pretty easy game to play. The controls to simple but yet you can do all of the spidy things you like to do such as climb walls and shoot web. The only thing i dont like are the "invisible walls" which basically are parts where the game creators just put a wall so you cant go beyond that point. 6/10

Spider-Man Movie(its a game lol)- Not as easy as the first game. It follows the story line of the movie we have all watched and some extras. The controls and camera views are confusing and you can really get a good shot at the bad guys. Other than that the graphics are great. 6/10

Spider-man 2 the movie- Here, you have such wonderful freedom of web swinging through new york and saving helpless people. The controls and game is easy, good for kids who arent too use to these new super games that are all complicated. the graphics are amazing too. 7/10


This I would say would have to be my favourite game of all time. The graphics are great, the controls and nearly perfect, the game does not have easy medium and hard mode making it just a tad more fustrating for people who like to play in easy all of the time. The game gets very hard sometimes and you have to plan how you're going to act, otherwise you die. I love how much freedom you get in this game. the city area is huge and you can go anywhere you want. Of course the only bad thing is all you do are missions for the big boss, does get a bit boring when you gotta drive from one end of the city to the other. 8.5/10

Robinhood legend of sherwood-

This is like a strategic war game. Such as starcraft,war craft. Like the game mafia you have to plan how you're going to attack otherwise you're going to get jumped by 10 men. the controls are easy enough but it does not look as impressive as the box. for all of you strategy game lovers i suppose this is for you. 7/10

Call Of Duty-

This is an amazing game. You play the war at three different views, american, soviet, and germans i think. the graphics are amzing and the level are do not seem to repeat and get boring. the controls are easy and effective during gameplay. I love this game 9/10


We've had many ww1 and ww2 war gfames, now lets look at the vietnam war. this game give a great view at the vietnam war and does not contribute to an american propaganda(if i can spell it right). in other vietnam war games, the americans always win and are invincible. not so, the americans and south vietnam lost the war. in this game, you take a look at how the vietcong fought the war and how they won, because if you're poor you have to play it smart. one of the ways they won the war was through building underground tunnels(i visited one of these tunnels in vietnam). this game has many level and each level is pretty long. controls are very simple and are not confusing at all. the graphics are not the best but they are very good. 9/10

Battlefield Vietnam-

This game is more to show off the skills of EA game makers rather than the story of the war although some levels do show how government tried to win the war. this game has NO campaign mode. you only select a battlefield and play vs the computer or online. 7/10

ill give you the review of my other 20 new games later, i need some sleep. if you have any questions about the game id be glad to answer them.

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Dat Phanaholic

Joined: 20 Jul 2004
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Well, I'm not quite up to date on video games, but I'll post my faves that I have anyway. I use my mother's Atari, which is older than me, and I'm 17 as of 3pm Aug. 3rd I love playing Pengo, it makes such goofy noises, and my best friend and I scream whenever a blob monster comes after us! They 'fart' when they come out of the iceblock...ok, I'll stop! I also like Centipede and Jungle Hunt, and Bomber Man or whatever it's called...they are all amusing! I'm actually not too bad on Centipede and Jungle Hunt. Of course, these are so old you prolly could only get them on ebay. We had to go there to get something for it so we could hook it up to our new tv.

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody" Bill Cosby
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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 29 Jul 2003
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Charlie, you are a man after my own heart. I LOVE video games.

First, most of my games I play are PC-based. I still have a Sega Dreamcast that I keep running with literally bubble gum and twine.

When I let my dogs out to relieve them selves, I usually let them back in in a couple minutes. If it is raining, though, I let them in through the laudry room so they can wipe their muddy feet off on the rugs in there.

During that time, I wait in the family room and play my old Sega games.

WWF ATTITUDE:Currently, I am playing WWF Attitude. It has bad game play, and once you learn how to play...the instructions are woefully inadequete...you can beat the game every time.

The coolest part of WWF Attitude is that you can create your own wrestlers. I have created Captain America, Redneck, Ms. Thighs, plus several others. I even created Andre the Giant. You can choose to have any color of clothing...or even the most minimal clothing. (It does cover the private parts though.) You can even choose what moves they can do, and the attributes of your wrestler...Fast but weak. Weak but no talent. Skilled, Tough, but slow.

I took Redneck from being a Skinny Hillbilly to as he began to win, I increased his body size and lowered his talent to show how success affects your ability to buy food, and how blows to the head affect your consciousness.

On the PC, I am playing three games.

AMERICA'S ARMY: This game is beautiful. I can tell you from first hand experience, this game is as close to the real thing as I have seen yet. There is no solo play, so you need an internet connection. THe maps are singular, so there is no story missions. The missions are based on real Army operations, though.

You need to see a recruiter or download the game from www.americasarmy.com. If you download it, be prepared to start it before bed and stop it in the morning...it is over 700 megs.

The graphics are amazing. However for the best graphics, you need a really kickin' system. The good thing is that you can adjust the graphics for slower machines.

In order to play the game, you need to go a simulated Boot Camp. THe only thing missing is the 20 mile hike before going to the rifle range, and the 4 AM PT drills.

The weapons are simulated very well, and you can even jump in a Stryker vehicle...the Army's new troop transport. If you qualify, you can jump out of the back of planes and parachute into the battle...cool stuff.

RETURN TO CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN: I picked this up at CD Exchange for a dollar. In solo play, the game rocks. The story is very cool. THe one part I dislike about the game is that it does not have maps of where you have already been so you can easily get confused.

Multi-player was different from AA in that it is much faster paced. Those that have played Tribes or Quake will have no problem adjusting to the pace.

RISE OF NATIONS: I loved Civilization and Age of Empires. RON is a good follow to these games. You can advance through ages, just like Civ, plus the game is RTS like AOE. You can always count on Microsoft making good games.

My favorite strategy is to buid a quickly producing nation, then focus on advancements before the other nations can prepare. Then, I build wonders that benefit me militarily, while the computer focusses on Commodity benefitting Wonders. I capture the capitals of each nation quickly with my superior armies, thus, I get their wonders after conquering them.

Well, that is it for now.

Sensei Ern for President in 2008!
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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 06 Apr 2004
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wow, I didnt think I would get such a reply. I always thought of you as a middle aged person by the way you talk. Well im only 14 so its common for me to be playing games. Although I have many games I dont play them often. Actually I have Grand theif auto 3, vice city, XIII and Halo that I havnt played yet, and yet i have the games. Its not that i am spoiled and have all of the games in the world, its that if you can find a friend who has some new games, and you have a program that lets you copy games, you can start trading and selling.

In vietnam they released a bunch of new games I have never thought existed. Such as Euro 2004, a soccer game based on the recent euro 2004 cup. and guess what, each game is 60 cents. so i have lots of new games but not the time and the computer cant handle so much.

although my computer is very up to date:

120gig(i added an extra 40 gig to my original 80)
128video card
2.8 ghz amd
and the cd burner and such and such

also i have sources to give me ANY program i want that is on the market. If anyone of you has ever heard of the program Maya Unlimited Pro, I dare you to guess at the price of that program, just guess and ill say up or down. Yoink already knows but have fun guessing. I could get that program for free if i needed it. If anyone needs anything i could probably get it for you. its not on cd so no shipping or anything. i give you a direct link to download and the crack.

Senseirn. you know what are fun games? 1980 neo geo games lol. I bet people older than me by 10 years use to put lots of quarters playing those games. I have 165 neo geo games on my computer and when you dont have the time and patience to play a long mission, play a neogeo game and beat it in an hour. Metal Slug series were the best. Such pointless killing and it tried to expose some mistakes that the world might make in years to come if you look closely. such as becoming allies with aliens, they might back stab us some day lol.

I personally like playing war games that give you a good story line and a lot of history because when these wars start to appear on my desk and i gotta talk about war strategies, i got my games lol. Also I love learning about war. I dont know why but I love knowing how a war is won and loose, and how a small miscalculation such as wether the tides are going in or out( 1700 wars) can effect the outcome.

I might be thinking of starting a new software download thread.

lol this is it for now lets talk about old games we all use to play after we finish about these new super games

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 29 Jul 2003
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I am not quite middle aged. I expect to live to 120 years old, so that makes 60 to be middle aged...I have 22 years before that.

I knew I was getting older though when I was playing a video game and a high school student asked, "Do you mind if I join in, sir?" SIR?!!

The NEO games were that best. They had story with the action. There is one game I wanted to finish, but never could. It was called Xenophobe. You were in a space station shooting everything. You could walk left or right and take elevators. You have to flip switches to open doors, you had to pick up better weapons. When you killed all of the aliens, you went to the next level. I always wanted to see what the end was. You can't get that game anywhere.

If you have an emulator and code for Xenophobe, That would be so cool.

I usually play games that have a finale. I like them best.

About 14 years ago, when I was single and living in Iowa, a group of us would go over to a friend's house and we would play Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe all night...start at 6 pm, after work, and go till 12 noon Saturday. We really made his wife mad. We always went to his house because he had a 486...that fastest machine at the time.

Gaming is why I got into computers. Started in 1976.

Arcade gaming isn't what it used to be. Back in the day, we would take $50...about $100 in today's money, and spend the whole thing at the arcade. Then, the arcade games started to go down hill. THe owners would hire drug dealers because no one else would work as cheaply. Then, the police started arresting the dealers. Then the citeies realized what kind of money was being made in the video games and taxed them into bankruptcy. Stupid money-hungry politicians!

Sensei Ern for President in 2008!
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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 06 Apr 2004
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Ok so... Why would the owners hire the dealers... to do what?

man 50-100 dollars... where did you guys find all of that money

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 29 Jul 2003
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The dealers were hired, not because they were dealers, but because no one else would work the hours needed for the minimal money paid.

The dealers worked there because even though they didn't get paid much from the arcade owners, they were in the perfect spot for their market...teens who had money.

The 50-100 dollars was from working at Burger King, McDonald's, begging our parents. I wrote accounting databases for small businesses. There were "other" ways for some to make $50.

Sensei Ern
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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 06 Apr 2004
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Ive just downloaded America's Army, took me 15 hours at a rate of 14kb. Im at the parachuting stage, they keep telling me instruction but never ALL of the buttons.. is there suppose to be a button for keeping my knees bend and a button for Ptf or pft(whichever one they say). I flare the parachute right before i hit the ground, but i die anyways... what's up?

Ok so what did the dealers do exactly. I mean what work is there in an arcade. wow buger king and mac had high pay back then.

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 06 Apr 2004
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lol I expect to live up to over around 100+ i guess, why just 4 years ago i just had my 1/10 life crisis where everything seemed strange to me. or it could have been puberty but either way, Im gunna be over 100. And at my feneral, I want to make it fun. As Nick Swardson says, it's your last party on earth!

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